1. Today 3yrs ago, after 5 months, I left the treatment centre where I found #hope. I began rebuilding my shattered life. It hasn’t been easy but words can’t express my #gratitude for this journey back to myself & my belonging in the world. It’s meant #risk & #opening ...
2. .. as I was shut up tight from yrs of #judgements, #labels, #helplessness & not being truly #seen #heard or #safe. Services have a responsibility to open their thinking, practice & culture to the latest #trauma research & evidence. There is so much we CAN do to improve things
3. Today I listened to my daughter prattling delighting in her news. I #hugged my son close & #laughed at ease with my husband. My friend & I watched with awe the #light change & shared stories. My mom gave #thanks . This is #life in all its abundance #recoveryispossible
4. This has been possible because of #relationships #community & #opportunities to truly #connect. Where others believed it was possible long enough for me to believe too. Being #seen #heard beyond labels & risk assessments & building #safety. #Compassion #dignity #respect
5. We all know suffering & for a long time I was #lost. I’m being helped to see life through a new lens & know I’m #healing. The darkness still comes but it no longer consumes me. I’m finding my way. I cannot describe this #gift but by #grace. I end today #humbled & #grateful 💙
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