Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. There's no reason to exaggerate an anecdote. Just replicate and measure it for its truthfulness.

Which brings me to the thread on my initial thoughts of the new #KissTheGroundMovie now on Netflix. They claim soil is a:
I don't know how one can spend 7 years on a project like this and not be shown the science that there's measurable limits to carbon that can be sequestered in soils, and it's easily reversible, especially in pastureland:
But holistic grazing leader Allan Savory makes many appearances with the usual "grazing reverses desertification/climate change" claims, failing to mention grazing is also the major driver of deforestation & topsoil loss globally.
Savory said: "the urine and the hooves of the animals are what causes grass to grow.”

He's a great speaker, but it's as likely the BS coming out of his mouth caused the grass to grow.

His work is based on a strange type of faith, not science:
A major way to avoid losing organic matter in soil is avoiding deforestation, draining wetlands, or damaging peat soils:

The aspects on no till, cover crops, compost, & avoiding monocrops, were all great. But it came with a side of grazing pseudoscience.
With the biodiversity claims, we need to ask, "compared to what?"

Restored/protected forests or rewilded grasslands would be far better than even the best pastureland.

Many anthropocentric, colonial, and whitewashing points at play in the documentary. https://twitter.com/NicholasDCarter/status/1217862623179485186?s=19
And then there's the false dichotomies & fear mongering:
'Poisons used during holocaust = pesticides & synthetic fertilizers today = your baby is being breastfed poison.'

I've written alot about organic, stock free, farming. It's best served with science: https://awellfedworld.org/issues/climate-issues/farming-for-climate/
We don't need "regenerative" meat over collective shifts to plant-based.

More to say but will share the podcast I did with @Plant_proof when it's live and post credible evidence of EVERYTHING I say. https://twitter.com/NicholasDCarter/status/1283046723900907521?s=19
You can follow @NicholasDCarter.
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