I love my fam, they mean well. That being said if they say “oh man, I know exactly how you must be feeling, how do you do this?” When referring to their cold aches/tweaked muscles, I might lose it. Your current experience will end, my doesn’t. How do you know what that’s like?
But then I feel like a dick. I don’t want to minimize what they are feeling, but it’s really not comparable to the pain that’s only followed with the knowledge that it won’t ever be better than it is currently, how can you know what that’s like if you’re not living it? #neisvoid
Maybe it’s just something I have to deal with? Some part of me that’s struggling with having sympathy or empathy for them when it’s not what I receive from them? Idk, maybe I am just a dick 🤷🏻‍♀️
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