Life rewards arrogance and bravado far more than humility

It requires nothing and risks nothing to be “Humble”

It demands everything to be brazenly confident and be competitive over others
People want to believe in Elite individuals have extreme humility

Its the only thing they can relate to them on

Reality-the competitive and the insane dont give a remote fuck that their Ungodly levels of self belief upset anyone

They wouldnt be who they are without it
Really disgusting how Jordan here is showboating and dominating these less talented players

He should have been humble and lowered his performance so inferior competition could feel good about themselves
Appalling how Tyson didn’t show more empathy here and be nicer to his opponent

Doesn’t he know that people are unequal and we need to accommodate mediocre peoples feelings about what it takes to succeed?
Cannot believe Roger Federer is still playing and loves winning so so much

He needs to be more humble and not set records so far out of reach of lesser players
Really gross how arrogant Steve Jobs was to think he could change the world through technology

Why couldn’t he just be grateful for an average life like other people?
Genghis Khan needed to check his privilege, what kind of arrogant and terrible person believes they have the Willpower to conquer half the globe

Clearly he needed to practice being humble more
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