Conservatives always say "protesting at someone's house should be off-limits," and I think that's because they're never truly disadvantaged by a Democratic politician's policies. They're play-acting outrage and can't imagine what real harm is like.
Conservatives are constantly creating policies that follow us home, destroy families, drive us from where we live. Their policies rob us of peace and the least we can do is respond in kind.

Conservatives can't imagine that, because they aren't actually suffering.
I mean sure yes they're suffering in the ways GOP policies hurt us all, but they don't blame Republicans for that, they blame minorities and LGBT people and all the other folks they like to see suffer.
What do they have to be outraged about, after all? They claim to be outraged by abortions but really, other people's abortions don't affect their lives at all. They claim to be outraged that Democrats will take all their guns but obviously Democrats never actually do.
They'd claim to be outraged by a Democrat's nominees to the Supreme Court, but any Democratic nominee to the Supreme Court is going to be a milquetoast centrist of an appropriately-advanced age that nobody feels the true weight of a lifetime appointment.
That centrist's decisions will, by and large, focus on stuff that doesn't affect the predominately white, male, cisgender, straight, able-bodied populace of GOP circles. Gay marriage, trans rights, that sort of thing.
Basically, people petition the government to say "Does the Constitution let me hurt these people?" and the Supreme Court's answer (with an appropriate number of Democratic appointees) would be "no."

It's hard to wanna stay up all night to protest that.
Like sure, they'll get into a frothing frenzy about it on Fox News, but when they go home at night they can retreat into their bubble and forget about it because IT DOESN'T ACTUALLY AFFECT THEM.

GOP policies follow people home, puncture that bubble of safety.
Like, you can't be like "I'm gonna stay outside Chuck Schumer's house until he agrees to allow me to dump industrial runoff in the local water supply!"
They ACT like Democratic polices will murder them, they invent the lie of "death panels," but if you want to find a conservative in the middle of the night, they'll be sleeping soundly.

Because it's GOP policies that kill people.
Anyway, when are we protesting outside Mitt Romney's house? Because that fucker never deserves to sleep again.
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