Just remembering the time I sent nudes to @graceelavery because Danny TOLD ME “she’s very sick and only nudes will cheer her up” and Grace loved my nudes but also clarified that she had not asked for nudes.
I made a VIDEO.
It was just my top front quadrant but I really worked it.

I have NEVER sent nudes before, I am just a GREAT FRIEND, and it was on false pretenses.
And this happened MAYBE three months ago, not when I was young and foolish.
APPARENTLY Grace had said something like “ask people to send things that will delight and distract me during my illness” and Danny just translated that into “nudes.” Which is not IN-accurate, to be fair.
But I definitely said things like “I hope you feel better soon!” while cupping and squishing and that will ALWAYS have happened.
lol I hadn’t told steve and this is how he found out, me discussing this thread animatedly
It’s been suggested I not do this again, I think that’s very reasonable.
He was a LOT less chill when I wanted to profile Ed Kemper and go see him at Vacaville.
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