Your morning sets the tone for your entire day!

If your morning ritual isn't good...

Your day's tone will be like a karaoke singer's voice breaking during Frozen's Let it Go.

As a bass singer, I don't want that to happen to you.

So here's your Productive Morning Playbook!

1) Get out of bed at your first alarm

If you start your day with snoozing your alarm, you shoot your brain in the foot.

Sleep is a series of alternating cycles of light sleep and deep sleep.

When you wake up, it's typically at the end of a deep sleep cycle. That's great!

But if you snooze your alarm and go back to sleep, you go right back into your deep sleep cycle.

Then when your alarm goes off again, it's in the middle of a cycle.

This makes you feel foggy and confuses your sleep rhythm, making it harder to sleep right the next night.

By the way - this thread is a summary of a recent email I sent to my newsletter.

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2) Make your bed

After you get out of bed, immediately turn around and make your bed.

Why? Because making your bed is your first decision of your day after your feet hit the floor.

If you make your bed, you're starting your day off on the path of an organized life.

3) Drink a glass of water

If you're like 80% of the world's population, you reach for a steaming cup of bean water (coffee) in the morning.

But first, you should drink a glass of water.


You get dehydrated throughout the night, which negatively affects your brain.

Caffeine dehydrates you further, which makes it even harder for your brain to work.

So before you drink your pumpkin spice latte, drink a glass of water to prime your system.

4) Journal

As you're drinking your water...

Grab a notebook and a pencil and do a little morning journaling.

Some people find journaling to be an intimidating or pointless chore. It's neither!

Journaling is incredibly powerful.

Here are just a few of the many benefits:

- reduces stress
- improves your writing
- increases mental clarity
- helps you process your feelings
- lets you see how you're doing on your goals

5) Meditate

After you've finished your journaling and your water, meditate for a few minutes.

- sit down somewhere quiet and comfy
- set an alarm on your phone
- close your eyes
- breathe slowly, focusing on your breath

A common misconception about meditation is that you should stop your thoughts.

This is wrong.

Meditation isn't about decreasing thoughts, it's about increasing focus.

Regular meditation has also been shown to increase your emotional control and thinking ability.

All together, this morning routine should take about 10 to 15 minutes.

Small price to pay for a more productive day.

Try it out for 7 days. I promise you'll find yourself having better days.

The tone of your day will be beautiful, like the latest Taylor Swift album.

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