5 ways you are killing your body physically,

and how to avoid them.

~~~A Thread~~~

Optimize your body to Optimize your life.
1. Poor posture:

We all do this.

Sitting at your desk for hours on end without getting up.

Slouched over.

This is horrible for you on so many levels.

Do this long enough and it's only a matter of time before back issues,

Fix your seating arrangement ASAP.

No slouching.
2. Looking down at your phone:

By doing this you are putting so much unnecessary stress on your cervical spine.

This is how you get "text neck"

Leading to several issues in your spine, neck, jaw, and headaches.

Bring your phone up to eye level instead.
3. Texting wayyy too much:

There's a new type of common pain on the rise which they called "texting thumb"

It's when the tendons get inflamed from overuse.

On average Americans send 94 texts per day.

That's crazy.

Text less often.

Make more phone calls.
4.Typing all day:

We've all heard of carpal tunnel.

Its when you put your wrists in a typing position for multiple hours per day.

There's excess stress on the tendons + nerve that passes through the wrist.

Develop a small mobility drill for your wrists to do 1 or 2 x per day.
5. Anterior pelvic tilt:

When you sit all day, your hip flexors get tight.

Leading to an anterior pelvic tilt.

Which leads to a host of all sorts of problems including back pain.

Develop of 10-15 min stretching routine to do depending on how much you sit during your day.
As you can see, most of these issues happen from sitting for extended periods of time.

As humans, we are not meant to be sitting all day.

With the rise of desk jobs, theres a bunch of new issues arising in people.

There are ways to avoid them AND still keep your working hours.
-Stretching & Mobility Work-

These should be your best friends.

Do them every single day.

Keep your body fluid and mobile.

Otherwise, it will dysfunction on you and have you in pain with basic movements.
If this post gets a lot of interest I will put together a small free guide with a stretching and mobility flow.

The same stuff I use for myself and my patients that come in with these issues.

So hit a retweet on the first post to help spread the word.

And thank you for reading

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