I keep hearing that influencer marketing is new.

It's not.

Here are 5 iconic examples from my favorite decade—the 90's.

A quick thread. 👇
1991: Paula Abdul + LA Gear

To keep up with the giants, LA Gear needed some influence to boost their brand. This partnership coincided with Abdul's second studio album.

Abdul’s shoe became one of the top sellers of the early 90s.
1992: Michael Jordan + Gatorade

Jordan was the king of the 90's. Gatorade wanted to put their product in the hands of more athletes. A match made in heaven?

A year after the commercial aired, Gatorade revenue skyrocketed from $681 million to over $1 billion.
1994: A Tribe Called Quest + Sprite

Sprite launched the "Obey Your Thirst" campaign with A Tribe Called Quest and never looked back.

They understood that hip hop drives culture and partnered with key influences in hip-hop to build an iconic brand.
1996: Fabio + I Can't Believe It's Not Butter

Fabio is known as the first male supermodel. I Can't Believe It's Not Butters aspired to be seen as a healthy butter alternative.

The partnership with Fabio made this message a reality.

And made their brand a staple of their 90's.
1999: Britney Spears + Polaroid

The 90's were tough for Polaroid. To turn it around, they partnered with Britney.

The campaign was timed perfectly—right as she released her debut album and became a sensation.

Polaroid I-Zone was the best selling camera in the world that year.
Influencer marketing isn't new. But it has evolved.

In the 90s, brands were limited to celebrities and sports stars, and working with their agents.

In 2020, social media has democratized how we define celebrity.
In 2020, influencers are more wide-spread, more accessible, and influence more niches than ever before.

The next cohort of iconic brands will be built in partnership with influencers & creators.

Just like they were in the 90's.
This thread was built off of this awesome blog post by @kaleighf on the @hashtagpaid blog.

Check it out to see 13 examples of influencer marketing from the 90's.

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