Okay. Truce time.

Trumpers, if any of you can hear me, and I sincerely hope you can't... sorry, sorry. [Deep breath] if you can hear me, answer this question.

Why do you continue to blindly support an east coast elitist, New York City "billionaire" who hates our troops?

Seriously. I'm genuinely curious. Donald Trump is the very embodiment and avatar of everything you told me you hate for the last twenty years.

An elitist, ivory tower, born with a silver spoon up his ass, blue collar hating, contractor stiffing, illegal immigrant hiring...
...first, second, and third wife cheating, abortion paying, daughter lusting, church desecrating, POW slandering, Russia canoodling, Jesus I can just keep doing this forever.

What do you like about him? What?

Because from here, it really just looks like the racism. Well?
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