1. ditch the fasting

optimal hypertrophy is not gonna happen when eliminating a large part of the day from eating

not only does it make it harder to get calorie goals, fasting = not optimal hormonally for putting on muscle

good for losing weight, not for putting on weight
2. Extra virgin olive oil on every savoury meal

drizzle that shit, really soak it. Extra calories and a healthy 'sauce' for all of your meals that doesn't affect stomach space (your limiting factor)
3. drink your calories

liquid = fits in stomach easier

precisely why they tell you not to do this when eating for weight loss = the reason we employ this strategy to get yuge.

fresh orange juice with a meal, glass of milk, smoothies etc are great ways to up the calories
4. Eat every 1.5 hours

doesnt have to be a huge meal, but make sure you're supplying your body with what it needs to build muscle.

Additionally, this constant influx of nutrients tells your body it has the excess needed to produce the metabolically costly muscle cells.
5. digestive enzymes

it's all well and good to eat a load of food, but if its not being absorbed then what's the point?

Pineapple with animal protein for bromelain
Betaine HCL before large meals
Liver Pills with meals to promote digestion
6. bulk clean

don't reach for the domino's bro. It's never worth it to dirty bulk and you'll just end up feeling bloated and gross, fucking up your body's insides.
7. eat foods you like

when you're enjoying your meals, the more likely you are to eat them. Sounds simple, but some people forcefeed themselves dry chicken breast and broccoli because they read it was good on bodybuilding . com

stay clean though!
8. take a walk kid

walking after a meal will help move the food through the digestive system.

This goes a long way to reducing the possible bloating and feeling of lethargy from smashing a big meal.
9. Raw Eggs and OJ // Cream

The perfect snack of quickly made carbs, test-boosting cholesterol and protein.

Equal parts fresh OJ to Raw Egg
Dash of cream

whisk together. smash it down.
10. Take a breather

before every meal, settle your body and activate the parasympathetic nervous system by taking 10 deep breaths through the nose and bring your mind to the meal.

Blood flow will move to the appropriate parts of the body and digestion will be enhanced
11. Eat quickly

for those that struggle to eat a lot, we want to get the food in and maximise the 'use' of our hunger before anti-hunger hormones are released in response to the food.

Of course, ensuring you're chewing appropriately and not forcing it down.
12. Pre 'chew' your meals

what I mean by this is to, as much as possible, break down the food into bite size pieces

e.g. eating ground beef or slicing up steak into small pieces on the before consuming.

We want to make the job of eating as sinple as possible.
13. Use a large bowl

with an increased volume of food, a practical tip is to eat out of a large salad bowl instead of a plate

if you can fit your main meal on one plate, chances are you should bump it up
14. Your stomach and appetite will adjust to whatever you make it do

While at first, you may need to forcefeed yourself a bit,

once your body gets used to the new volume of food, the stomach will expand,

it'll get easier and you'll get hungrier.
15. Prep your meals

Spend the extra time on the weekend preparing wholesome meals and locking them in glass tupperware containers for the days ahead. It is worth the extra time.

Doing this ahead of time is more convenient but also gives you less chance of bitching out of eating
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