I don't really like to comment on "what I would have done" in someone else's story. I think it's a bad precedent and is in a lot of ways antithetical to how I'd like to approach art.


One thought on The Rise Of Skywalker.
For starters let me say that I love all the new Star Wars movies. Saw each of them in theaters many times. Bought all of them on blu-ray. I just love them a whole lot.
I just can not for the life of me figure out why the scenes between Finn and Jannah didn't play out differently. If I were making it Finn would be the reason that Jannah and the others deserted the Stormtroopers. He inspired them. 'Rebellions are built on hope' and all that.
It's such a small beat to make Finn's role bigger, his story more impactful, and frankly speaks to the idea of redemption that is so central to the movies.
Then you send him and Jannah off to find and recruit more lapsed Stormtroopers. And when all seems lost in the final battle, instead of Zuri and Lando coming back with a fleet, Finn and Jannah bring the ex-empire force. They've saved them and in doing so saved everyone.
And you end not on the Jannah/Lando "is he her dad or is he hitting on her?" moment. You end with Finn having a purpose as Jannah says "There are millions more like us out there. Want to help me find them."
Finn's story is so powerful in The Force Awakens. A Stormtrooper with a conscience. We all saw it and knew it was a special moment. Imagine Finn walking onto a battlefield and giving an "I was you once" speech and seeing all the stormtroopers lay down their arms.
Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

(Also it should have been Hayden Christensen not Harrison Ford who appears to Kylo after Rey leaves.)
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