#neisvoid I have just been informed by my GP that our Clinical Commissioning Group has advised no prescription writing for OTC medication. Has anyone else had this? 1/
I pointed out that I’m on Universal Credit and only recieving £260p/m, I have just had my PIP declined, I’m going to have to get out of my house as the mortgage is £360p/m and I can’t afford to buy medication. He said “just this once”?! 2/
There’s a reason for free and prepaid prescriptions. Can you imagine the amount of patients who don’t have the gall to question them? They just told me to buy my own blood pressure meter too. With what money?! 3/
It seems they’re purposefully misinterpreting this guidance for trivial concerns. My medication is directly related to my long term conditions. 4/ https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/1a-over-the-counter-leaflet-v1.pdf
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