This is an evidence-based history lesson for #MedTwitter with a survey at the end for you to weigh in on next steps.

For 20+ years #WomenInMedicine & allies have been publishing reports documenting #gender #disparties on journal editorial boards.


The facts are clear: continued #gender #disparities on editorial boards are a deeply troubling #ethical issue that some journals have addressed and some have not.

@bmj_latest @TheLancet


#WomenInMedicine & their employers financially support med societies that are affiliated w/journals (societies often own them).
A new #HeForShe editor-in-chief quickly changes⤵️the status quo. Proof: #gender #equity on ed boards is not hard to fix. @GreenJournal @AANMember

2 things to🤔: 1. total annual revenue for 22 of largest med societies=$1.4 billion; 2) inviting a👩🏿‍⚕️to volunteer to be a junior editor is not the same as a🧑🏻‍⚕️if: she is already paid unfairly, has higher education debt, & a 0% chance (historical data) of becoming top editor.

After reading the info above about the evidence-based history of #gender #disparities on journal editorial boards, tell us what you think!

Journals affiliated w/financially lucrative med societies should fix gender disparities & pay junior editors_____.

You can follow @JulieSilverMD.
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