My email-only car-buying method continues to triumph.
(As per request:

I have now “sold” more cars than Henry Ford, if you round a lot.
My fav missive was from a guy in the Coast Guard who used the method from his ship and arrived back home to find the cheapest new 4-Runner in all the land waiting for him.

It really works, I promise.
When I went to pick up my car all the salespeople (men) came out to see what I, the Stone Cold Bitch Who Refuses To Use the Phone or Come Down To the Dealership, looked like in person. And they gave me a Rice Krispie treat, because Utah.
I would certainly prefer it if we didn’t sell cars via haggling, it’s a ridiculous system, but I’m not gonna LOSE THE BATTLE while we work on the war.
Spoiler: Chris gave up after I came back w Jody’s final offer.
I wish you got to see the amazing stills from Fried Green Tomatoes that were in the original piece (“TOWANDA!”) but they’re cracking down on movie stills and we didn’t want to get into trouble.
I’m going to clean this up, add some subsequently-obtained wisdom, and run in @Slate so more people get to know the joy of NOT kicking tires or being asked if your dad/husband is almost here and then calmly Mortal Kombatting two dealerships until one of them gives up.
You may remember that the most empowering moment of my life occurred a few months after this, when Steve said “when my car dies, can you do the email-haggling thing for a replacement?” Yes, darling. Of course.
If anyone else suggests “just buying a Tesla” on this thread, a thread created to SAVE YOU MONEY....
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