i'm high. things are about to get real inspirational.

fucking thread.
sometimes i picture my insecurities as little demon monkeys crawling on my back. for real. and i can't get em off because they're wirey and fast. fuck these demon monkeys. not today motherfuckers.
i bet y'all can relate to this one. i got an inner voice always telling me i'm annoying my friends. i'm too much. if i haven't irritated them yet then i'm going to soon. it always happens. well not today motherfucker. say it with me. not today.
too busy questioning the meaning of your existence to enjoy the here and now? hey me too. it's like fuck, we're all gonna die and eventually be forgotten. but listen motherfuckers you're here right now. so sorry existential crisis. not today motherfucker.
some bridges you just can't cross until you're there.
look in the mirror and hate what you see? like your fucking body changes shape into anything but something you love? no matter how hard you try all you see are flaws? not today. today you're a beautiful dumpster fire soul trapped inside a beautiful skinsack. own that shit.
got mental health issues and feel like you're a burden to all your loved ones? convinced you're going to be abandoned so you push people away? feeling worthless and forgettable? fuck that noise. you are worthy of love. not today low self-esteem. go fuck a porcupine.
ever notice how the things we stress about rarely occupy the present moment? they're usually in the future or in the past. right now i'm listening to crickets. there's no stress here. none whatsoever. fuck stressing about possible futures and pasts you can't change. not today.
ever notice how you have these toxic friends in your life and sometimes you form this weird dependency on them? but you're giving unto them and they're taking, taking, taking?
find the light inside you. find your glow. motherfucker it's there. it always has been. find it. and once you have, go up to those toxic people and say "hey you fucking twat. see this glow? it ain't there because of you. it's there despite you. now get the fuck out of my way."
heartpain will fuck you up but listen to me, don't be so scared of it. when you start closing yourself off, you end up in this dark place. i have been there. it's very bad. rhino fuck it back to fuckoffsville
you artists who have imposter syndrome. listen to me you fucks! you're not an imposter. make your art and be proud. fuck!
you parents always worried you're failing at parenting. you're not! fuck my ass! you're doing a good job. it's because you're a good parent that you're worrying. support them fucken kids.
i'm fading now so here's my last thought. fuck. that's it. hope this helped some of you. love you fuckers. dad that writes out.
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