Productivity Thread #1:

In a world full of distractions...

Focus is a superpower.

Good news:

You don't have to take a swim in a vat of acid to develop this superpower.

I'm about to tell you how...

I've got to be honest

Your brain is at a disadvantage

It evolved for a world of

- hunting and gathering
- cavemen and cavewomen
- a simple life of trying to not get eaten

Not a world filled with

- the internet
- social media
- cute cat videos

FOCUS is being able to do one thing without getting distracted

Being focused is also referred to as being in a FLOW STATE

So there are two questions:

A) How do you get focused?

B) How do you stay focused?

This thread will answer both of them.

By the way:

I write emails like this thread to my newsletter twice a week.

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For you to become focused on a task,

That task must be important to you.

If it's not important to you, then you won't be able to focus on it.

So if you can't focus on something because Netflix and video games seem more attractive...

Perhaps the issue isn't you.

Perhaps the issue is the task you can't focus on.

You should think about whether the task is ACTUALLY important or not.

Of course, if the task is bringing you money, you may not have much of a choice - you HAVE to focus on it.

To be able to get focused, the most important thing to do is to...


If you don't INTENTIONALLY plan to work on the task,

You'll never get into focus mode on the task.

- schedule time to work
- sit down to do it
- start on it


Okay, you've started working. Cool.

But 5 minutes in, you want to check Twitter to see what your favorite purple boi (me) has posted.

I love you too, but you have better things to do.

For now, at least.

So how do you stay focused?

1) Meditate

Regular meditation trains your brain to focus on something DESPITE distractions

Meditation isn't about quieting your thoughts.

It's about staying focused DESPITE your thoughts.

As you meditate more, you'll be able to focus more.

2) Remove distractions

I have my phone on Do Not Disturb for about 95% of my day.

Unless I'm expecting a call, I WILL NOT let notification sounds interrupt my focus.

You should do the same.

Try it out - unless you're expecting something, put your phone on silent.

3) Reduce brain fog

In my experience, brain fog is the main reason why I can't focus sometimes.

You can reduce brain fog by:

- getting more sleep
- improving your diet (less carbs)
- drinking less caffeine and alcohol

If you apply the info in this thread, you'll have the superpower of focus too!

Tomorrow at 3pm EST, I'll share my next thread on the importance of setting GOALS in life & work!

Oh, and if you enjoyed this thread, join my newsletter! 
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