Early stage marketing goals / channels / team structure

A thread 🧵//

In the beginning your marketing funnel is simply 3 things

Awareness (do people know you)
Acquisition (do they starr)
Conversion (do they finish)
Different channels support different parts of the funnel.

Don’t have unrealistic expectations.


PR is great for awareness (lots of eyeballs), not great for conversion.

Ads are great for acquisitions (high intent), not great for awareness.
Since you are lean, assign OKRs to every part of your funnel rather than assigning them by channel (since you likely don’t have someone working on every channel).
It’s faster to build one channel at a time than multiple channels at once.

Plus, you can move one community to another once you have grand loyalists.

Focus & Finish > Say & Spray
OKR reminder

Objective (O) is the qualitative TL;DR

Key Result (KR) is the quantitative measurement to track progress

KRs describe outcomes NOT tactics.
Now align channels/resources to hit those OKRs.


Want to increase awareness (O) as measured by 20 PR placements, 10% increase in social following and
20% increase in traffic to content (KRS)?

Now you have a roadmap of where to send the resources.
Reminder: leave the STRATEGY of HOW you will increase social following / get PR, etc to the channel experts.
In the early days, freelance, consultants + agencies are a great way to test impact for your audience / vertical.

You may find that certain levers don’t work thus you won’t hire for those skill sets early on.
0-1 Chronology

1. Brand strategy (who are you?)
2. Visual identity (what do you look life)
3. Marketing Plan and OKRs (what are setting out to accomplish over X time period)
4. Resource against # 3
Hope this is helpful!

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