#neisvoid I want to tell you about what GET did to me. Before GET I had medium ME. I was mostly home bound but I could take short walks, take care of my self with daily showers, dress myself. Take care of my own house. Clean & cook. I could watch tv, paint which I loved.
After GET I got severe ME and got bedbound. That means I lay in bed 23 hours/day. Then I have 1 hour to use the toilet, eat, text family, tweet, check news etc. I have help to shower and wash hair once a week, I get warm food once a day, they do dishes and clean once a month.
I can’t choose who to shower and dress me, what food I’ll get, if they vacuum under the bed. If they talk to me. If they tell me their name. This is my life after GET. Now when I tweeted this much I’ll have to give up something else. Prob brushing my teeth. Don’t do GET. Please.
I’m not writing this for anyone to feel sorry for me, I’m writing it to tell you how dangerous GET is. I heard they started doing it to people with longcovid to. I hope with all my heart no-one ever again does have to do this and that it will be forbidden. #pwme #LongCovid
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