Contrarian take: Apple is actually very consistent with its application of App Store guidelines related to payments, it just hasn't done a good job of making those guidelines publicly known to non-developers (1/X)
2/ The Wordpress drama this weekend is simply noise in the debate. The Wordpress app *had* violated App Store guidelines, but an update rectified that & Apple for whatever reason didnt recognize that. Apple apologized; it was an honest mistake.
3/ For the most part, when "inconsistent application" is cited as a grievance around App Store payments guidelines, it's from non-developers who are unfamiliar with them. Observing Hey, Fortnite, Wordpress from a 10000 ft view absent all context would generate confusion
4/ As I laid out in this thread, while somewhat byzantine, the App Store guidelines around IAP implementation are comprehensible
5/ We don't learn anything from the Wordpress example, yet at 10,000 feet it's another case of Apple being inconsistent with enforcement. Wordpress *had* been non-compliant, Apple rectified the situation quickly, and it apologized publicly.
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