This is some of the worst advice I've seen in a while; it conflates being an asshole with being assertive, phrases the value of fuck you money as being able to reject unfun things (instead of push back on abuse/exploitation), lacks empathy entirely... 
There's some nuggets of good advice in here lost because the messaging is horseshit machismo nonsense of the sort that would make me quit a job if a condition of continuing to work it was to put up with his attitude and behavior.

Toxic bullshit has no goddamn place in our work.
The entire angle at which he proposes to use your financial security is goofy and problematic, and his advice for getting to financial security is basically "work hard, be valuable, be a dickhead, have multiple income streams"

Wow, super helpful.
I'm talking about this because this shit? It's enticing to a certain group of people, especially rising white dudes in our industry, because it says "embrace your shitty impulses, be an aggressive dick, that's the key to success"

It's not, it really fucking isn't.
That's just a way for people ignoring survivorship bias to posthoc explain their success to you and console themselves that it's not just okay they're an asshole shitbag, it was *necessary all along*.
Newsflash, my dudes? You're not unsuccessful because you're not enough of an asshole.

You might not be lucky, you might not have structural advantages, you might not be assertive, you might have made some missteps earlier in your career.

Work isn't a fucking meritocracy!
It just goddamn isn't. We know this! There's *thousands* of highly skilled people of color and of marginalized genders who outperform you, me, and the author up top and they're fighting like hell for tablescraps.

If it was a meritocracy, that wouldn't be the case.
Moreover?? The whole myth of the asshole rockstar genius is just that, a bad fucking myth. Highly collaborative teams will outperform those dipshit motherfuckers 10/10 times.

That advice? It's a how-to guide on fucking up team dynamics! Don't be that asshole!
Finally, a thought because he doesn't address it in his blog at all:

Be very fucking suspicious of a dude with a partner and kids who says he's self made as fuck and doesn't heavily credit his partner's domestic and emotional labor in his success.
Pro tip: it's exceptionally hard to find time to work, blog, write articles, write books, develop training courses, and do day trading if you've got kids and have to do an equal share of the labor to keep things going.
Behind almost every dude in tech with a family is a partner doing absolutely vast enormous amounts of work and providing structural and critical support to the dude to be able to be the tech personality he is.

If they're not crediting their partners for that, fuck those dudes.
I don't normally make a habit of doing threads like this but fuck everything about that blog, that attitude, that approach to life and work.

Get it the fuck together, dude.
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