I’m watching West Wing for the first time.

You’re telling me there’s a time when it was a realistic plot point for the POTUS to ride a bike?
This show is incredibly unrealistic, every White House staffer they’ve introduced so far is a weirdo policy wonk genuinely interested in their job, not a single major campaign donor or presidential son-in-law?!

How are we supposed to believe that?
He was on vacation in JACKSON HOLE?

What kind of president locates his personal resort and golf club, to which he funnels millions of taxpayer dollars, in Wyoming? Is it a low state tax thing?
I just had to rewind because I think that someone is in trouble for saying “Lady, the God you pray to is too busy being indicted for tax fraud.”

He... didn’t send any dick pics? No racist slurs? Nobody was infected with a lethal virus? Why is someone in danger of firing?
Toby makes me very uncomfortable because I watched THE GOOD DOCTOR before watching this so I keep thinking he’s being a jerk because his brain cancer is coming back
Mandy was BRILLIANTLY introduced though I like her instantly even though I am fully aware that the expositional dialogue basically hung a flashing neon “strong woman women will identify with” sign on her.
WAIT I spoke too soon I have a new favorite I like whoever the guy who calls the New York Times to correct the crossword is. I have no idea what his job is but the crossword pedant is the best character now
“A 76-year-old grandmother doesn’t defend herself with a modified AK-47 assault rifle, Larry, unless she’s defending herself against Turkish rebels”

Why is this the ONLY line about politics so far that does not feel at all dated??!?
Oh the religious right has appeared

They seem to actually almost care if the President is religious and whether or not he behaves morally? Nobody has mentioned how many ex-wives this president has yet but I’m getting the distinct impression it’s not very many
“You’re supposed to tell them about the building and its history. Do you need anything?”

“Someone to tell me about the building and its history.”

This, I think, holds up
I do not like Sam. Sam is white man mediocrity and pretty privilege in one body and he shames sex workers.

I hope this series ends with Sam getting run over by a garbage truck.

Why did nobody tell me that Mr. Grace is a former president?!
Is this president’s haircut the haircut that the current occupant thinks his hairpiece looks like?

Why is he not wearing a tie? He looks like a drivers’ ed instructor.
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