I just wanna point out that some people have vaginas that don't really get wet no matter how aroused they are due to medical conditions and/or medication side effects. This is honestly scary to post but it's something I dealt with for years & I never see it discussed.

It really sucks to be in an intimate situation & have to reassure THE OTHER PERSON, with no one to reassure *you* that you aren't broken/bad at sex.

Because the messaging is always dryness=bad sex but reality is much more complex than that.
I want people to be more aware of this, so they realize who their jokes are inadvertently shaming when they're mocking cis men over this subject.

But also I want to say if you're dealing with this yourself, it's nothing to be ashamed of & you aren't alone.
(Now excuse me while I try to not have a panic attack because I hate being vulnerable on social media)
One more thing - I used non-gendered language intentionally here. Not only women have vaginas, and I am non-binary. Please keep those facts in mind in your comments/discussions around this subject.
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