Teacher: hi, Ms. Sully’s mom?
Me: yes, is he ok??
Teacher: yes, he’s fine. We had an incident today. The kids were counting in Spanish and Sullivan used some unacceptable language.
Me: ???
Teacher: well, he said he didn’t “want to do this” & called the lesson “shit”. In Spanish.
So now I gotta figure out how to explain to him that cursing in Spanish is STILL CURSING.

It’s always something. Always.
For context, y’all fearless leader is part Panamanian; his mom mom speaks to him in Spanish exclusively. Which is funny because he won’t speak it to ANYONE ELSE, but her. He understands it just fine, but won’t speak it. So hearing he spoke it at school (to cuss, at that) is—
So my guess is because he’s semi-fluent, he didn’t have time for counting to 10 in Spanish because he was doing that before he turned 1. Lmfao

So he wasn’t entirely in the wrong, but dammit kid. 😩
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