25 Warning Signs of someone being suicidal...
1. Increased use of alcohol and drugs
2. Talking about wanting to die
3. Talking about existential things (e.g “what’s the point of life?”)
4. Talking as if others would be better off without them
5. They’ve socially withdrawn all of a sudden
6. They appear in ‘survival mode’ (e.g hypersensitive to small iritations)
7. “Pushing themselves” in a self destructive way
8. Displaying extreme mood swings
9. They’ve talked about ways to die/kill them selves
10. Talking about being a burden to others
11. They’ve said they don’t know how much longer they can go on
12. They’ve expressed a concerning amount of grief / suffering whilst going through a difficult transition
13. They’ve said they don’t see a way out of a difficult experience they’re having
14. Behaving recklessly
15. Struggling to find meaning in life/ the things they used to
16. Talking hopelessly about the future
17. They have practiced “self-harm”
18. They are experiencing a lot of stress reliving trauma
19. Talking about feeling trapped/suffocated/ smothered (e.g by responsibilities)
20. They keep saying how much they want to stop suffering
21. Expressing strong amounts of self hatred
22. They have stated life is pointless
23. They can’t envision a future they want to live in
24. They feel as if no one cares what happens to them
25. Expressing extreme loneliness and isolation

(via @ realdepressionproject on ig)
Please reach out to anyone who has shown these signs, it could save their life. 💛

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next thread will be how to be there for someone who is suicidal
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