I've lost 13 pounds from crash dieting in a MONTH when I was 17.

There were pros and cons with it, but mainly a ton of mistakes.

Here are the main takeaways from what I learned:

I started dieting in grade 12, senior year.

I had a bit of knowledge in resistance training, so I'd try to lift without a program.

Essentially recreational lifting.

At ~18% body fat and 181lbs, I didn't have a goal in mind - just to lose weight.
In the span of a month, I crash dieted, eating 800 calories under my maintenance.

How did I do it?

I ate less, and restricted unhealthy foods that I enjoyed such as chips.

Portion sizes were smaller, and I'd be hungry some nights.
The dieting aspect wasn't challenging, but the lessons I learned were extremely beneficial to how I view dieting.

Post-diet, I realized that dropping 13 pounds was not healthy, at all.

There are two reasons for this:
1. At the age of 17, your body is still growing.

- if between 15-20% body fat, worry about building muscle > dieting.

- eating less than your maintenance calories = restricting the nutrients that your body needs.
2. The calories you cut should be relative to your body fat percentage.

If you're >30% body fat, then it's okay to lose 9lbs/month.

When you're <20%, weight loss should be slower, and the priority should be on muscle gain/fat loss.
Losing weight too quickly means you're losing muscle along with fat.

Those were the two takeaways after I dieted.

For a quick recap, let your body grow when you're still in puberty.
Don't deny it of nutrients that you need.

Secondly, if you're dieting, lose weight relative to your body fat percentage.

If you're higher in body fat %, it's fine to lose more than 2 pounds a week.

If you're lower in body fat %, you risk losing muscle along with fat.
Therefore, be very aware of how much weight you lose.

Prioritize strength training, restrict muscle loss.

Gaining muscle should be your primary goal, so make sure you're not only doing cardio to lose weight.

I wish you all the best on your journey to losing weight!
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