"If aku tak kenal dia, mungkin aku bahagia"
"Menyesal aku tak belajar betul2 dulu tu"

Regret (penyesalan) adalah emosi negatif berkaitan dgn menyalahkan diri sendiri. E.g., apa yg telah kita lakukan, a choice we made, or even sesuatu yg kita alami or experienced.

Thread 1 of 8
Kenapa kita perlu embrace regret?

Kalau kita tak embrace, we won't move on. Sebab tu bila I talk about things, I selalu mula dgn talk about acceptance. Acceptance is importance. Kita perlu acknowledge what happened, and feel that regret!

Thread 2 of 8
Mcm mana nak embrace regret? Ada dua cara.

First, embracing it positively. Kita menyesal akan sesuatu, tapi kita emphasize on what can we do next. Kalau boleh betulkan keadaan, we do that. Kalau tak boleh, have the mindset of not doing it again & try to be better

Thread 3 of 8
Second method, embracing it negatively. Ianya adalah bila kita dwell on it, terlalu fokus on the outcome, self-blame non-stop, fikir too much, but tak pernah nak think about how to improve and do better. This is bad!

So, the best way, embrace it positively.

Thread 4 of 8
Tak bolehkah kalau kita just be in denial?

Sure, boleh. But kita tak akan improve and be better. Kita akan repeat such thing again, or do similar actions. Sebab tu it is better to embrace regret in a positive manner.

Thread 5 of 8
Ada kesan buruk kalau embrace regret negatively?

Ada! Bila kita do it negatively, then kita akan do self-blame non-stop. Boleh mengakibatkan low self-esteem, stress, depression, and so on yg tak baik.

Thread 6 of 8
So what can we do?

Seperti yg saya katakan, accept it. Embrace it positively. Menyesal tapi tak berpanjangan sehingga fikir bukan2 and do self-blame. Menyesal but kena fikir what can we do next. Jangan diam or stuck at that stage tak move on. That is unhealthy

Thread 7 of 8
To read more on similar things, saya include links to related threads. Trust me, a good read.

Thread 8 of 8
How to be a better person? Read this thread https://twitter.com/DrAmaliAmin/status/1283585989777088513
Thread on cara to challenge negative thoughts or overthinking https://twitter.com/DrAmaliAmin/status/1286225015969472513
Thread tentang low self-esteem https://twitter.com/DrAmaliAmin/status/1285049066825453568
Baca thread ni to understand overthinking and how to deal with it https://twitter.com/DrAmaliAmin/status/1282137661847728128
Finding happiness from within, and not be overly dependent on others https://twitter.com/DrAmaliAmin/status/1284633457830715392
Three concepts penting for a better life, relationship, & emotional well-being https://twitter.com/DrAmaliAmin/status/1283968877064450053
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