No one has ever denied the possibility of pediatric infection or transmission.

You are engaging with a straw man.

The real question has always been a quantitative one: do children become infected/transmit *at lower rates*.

Regarding *that* question:
The highest quality evidence continues to confirm that they do indeed.

That you aren’t engaging with Iceland doesn’t make it go away.
Nor do the several papers which have speculated about index status and transmission change what Iceland discovered by directly observing those facts.

Many buckets with holes in them carry less water than one without.
So, while it may have become more fashionable to deny pediatric heterogeneity lately, it remains no less irrational.
Finally, I implore you: interview Dr Stefannson and run a piece on what he thinks about kids and schools?

The dude is legit. And neither he nor Iceland have an agenda. The data that they are sitting on is of quality no one else can compete with.
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