Fat Loss Thread

Notice the title. Fat loss and weight loss are two different things. If the goal is fat loss we want to maintain as much lean muscle tissue as possible.
1. Create a caloric deficit

A simple way of determining how many calories you should be eating is to take your body weight and multiply by 10-12. So for someone 200 lbs their total calories would be somewhere between 2000-2400.
2. Increase NEAT

NEAT is short for non exercise activity thermogenesis. It’s basically all of your activity throughout the day besides exercise. For example a mailman or construction worker have jobs that increase NEAT. Easiest way to increase NEAT is by moving more. Walk more,
take the stairs, park far away, do yard work. These small things can add up big time when it comes to fat loss.

3. Increase protein intake

When in a calorie deficit we want to increase protein intake to maintain as much muscle as possible. Aim for 1g per lb of body weight. That
means if you’re 200 lbs you should be eating 200g of protein. There’s another reason to eat more protein though. Out of the 3 macronutrients protein, fats, and carbs protein has the highest thermic effect. That means you’re body uses more calories in the digestive process for
protein than any other macro.

4. Strength train 3-5 times a week.

The goal is fat loss. Maintaining muscle mass is extremely important and will increase your metabolism. No one wants to look soft after losing a bunch of weight.

5. Cardio as needed

AS NEEDED being the key
words here. Your body adapts to whatever stimulus you apply. Starting off with loads of cardio might work in the beginning but after a bit your body will adapt and use less and less calories during cardio. This will also burn precious muscle tissue which we are trying to maintain

Hope you enjoyed my first thread!
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