Today, we’re talking about a very important vitamin (every vitamin is important but this is essential😄). You can think of it as Folate’s best friend because they work hand in hand to perform their functions. Yes, I’m talking about Vitamin B12!
Before I start, here are a list of new words to learn today.
Let’s begin.
B12 is the largest, most complex of all vitamins.
It is one of the three most important B-group complex especially in DNA, red blood cell formation and neurological function. The other two are Folate and Vit B6. B12 is also known Cobalamin, which is its active form.
Let’s have some fun or not so fun facts, shall we?
1. 3 researchers in 1934 won a Nobel for finding out that eating Large amounts of liver or raw liver juice could cure anemia from blood loss and also used a treatment for pernicious anemia.
2. B12 deficiency is high in developing countries, the elderly and strict vegetarians/vegans (Yuuppp!).
So why is B12 important?
1. B12 works with folate as a cofactor for many functions in the body including DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation 🧬 🩸 .
2. B12 with folate maintains homocysteine levels in the body which has effects on the brain 🧠, bones 🦴 and feotus 👶🏽.
Let’s get to the interesting and most looked for part...Food! Where is B12 found?
B12 is made by certain bacteria in the gut of animals. So, the main and most important source is B12 is Animal Protein! These include Liver, beef, chicken, eggs, fish, milk and dairy products.
Breast milk contains B12, particularly the colostrum (first milk) for infants. Oral supplements, fortified food products and nutritional yeast are also great ways to get B12 especially for vegetarians and vegans. If you’re lactose intolerant, go for fortified plant based dairy.
Also, it’s important note that plants don’t contain any B12 except they are fortified for example, mushrooms.
What if I’m lacking B12?
Deficiency is caused primarily by consumption of strict vegetarian diets that exclude all animal sources. It is also caused by poor absorption caused by alcohol intake, low folate and B6, antibiotics and liver medication. People at risk are the elderly,
strict vegetarians/vegans and people with GIT disorder. Deficiency leads to:
1. Pernicious anemia.
2. Increased homocysteine levels.
3. Neurological abnormalities including poor cognition, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and depression.
4. Poor growth and development.
How much B12 do I need? These are supplied in the dietary sources.
Remember, folate and B12 work hand in hand to perform their functions and so, incorporate them both into the diet. If you’re vegan 🌱 please go for fortified food products or supplements.
That’s it for today guys! Thanks for engaging with me on #nutritionfridayswithademi
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