15 Warning signs someone’s Depression is setting in...
1. They’re more quiet than usual
2. The use the excuse “I’m tired” a lot
3. They tend to loose their appetite
4. They avoid eye contact
5. They want to be alone a lot
6. They smile for a moment but go back to a blank expression afterwards
7. They struggle to stay engaged in conversation
8. They’ve become emotionally distanced
9. They’ve become apathetic about things they’d normally be engaged in
10. They have big mood swings
11. They avoid making future plans
12. They have difficulty concentrating
13. They start talking about bleakly things
14. They start giving “short” responses
15. They get irritable with “little things”

(via @ thedepressionproject on ig)
If someone close to you is showing possible depression signs, please talk to them. It isn’t always clear how someone is feeling on the inside so don’t just instantly assume, but ask! 💛
You can follow @itzjustcaz.
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