Pernah tak ada sesorang yg buat sesuatu kat awak that affect the relationship? Tak kira lah kawan, keluarga, colleagues. Mcm mana move on?

Ada 3 important concepts for a better life, relationship, & emotional well-being

1. Letting go
2. Forgiveness
3. Acceptance

Thread 1 of 6
Letting go

Kenapa kita nak simpan dlm hati yg dah berlaku for many years? Tak rasa sesak, lemas, suffocated? Bukanlah bermaksud kita nak lupakan. Tapi jgn sampai kita tak gerak2 forward. Jgn kita kekal live in the past. So yeah, letting go is important

Thread 2 of 6

Yg ni complex sikit. Bila kita ckp forgive, doesnt mean we can forgive everything. Every situation, every person, is unique with own context. But bila kita boleh forgive, try to do it. And remember, forgive is different than forget. It is not a denial

Thread 3 of 6

Semua benda tu berlaku in the past. Why let it keep bother & haunt you? Jgn biarkan perkara lalu influence your current life and the future. Accept that it had happened. Again, this is not denial. We are not denying. We accept. It's beyond our control

Thread 4 of 6
Remember, all these (letting go, forgiveness, acceptance) bukanlah melupakan atau reject it. Kita bukan nak deny. If we are in denial, that is bad. Memang tak boleh move on.

Thread 5 of 6
To sum up, practice letting go, forgiveness, and acceptance. Not just to move on but in other aspects too

Perlu tweet satu thread for each concept if nak faham with more details, and how to do it step by step. So saya akan buat thread for each in the near future.

Thread 6 of 6
Kalau nak tahu mcm mana nak be a better person, step by step, boleh baca thread ni. Saya provide 5 steps based on self-contemplation and self-introspection.
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