Kadang² timbul dalam hati rasa nak jadi a better person. No one is perfect, tu kita faham. Tapi kita mesti strive to be a better person.

So how to be one?

Baca thread ni, ada 5 steps based on self-contemplation and self-introspection

Thread 1 of 10
Step 1: Acceptance & self-validation

Ramai yg terlalu bergantung kat org lain for validation. Korang tak dapat nak accept your own self tapi nak orang lain accept and validate you? Start by menerima kekurangan dan kelebihan diri sendiri. Then baru dpt nak improve

Thread 2 of 10
Selalu²lah tell yourself that you don't need others to validate your very existence. You are you. Be content, bersyukur dan redha. Nak jadi lebih baik, lebih bagus, then do something. Memang boleh nak acceptance & validation dari orang lain, but jgn lah too much.

Thread 3 of 10
Step 2: Make time to be by yourself

Bila saya ckp ttg ni, it's not that korang nak isolate dari orang lain. Tapi embrace solitude, be by yourself, and get to know more about diri sendiri

Thread 4 of 10
I believe ni lah yg orang selalu silap. Spend time alone but tak achieve solitude. Lonely pulak. When you decide to be alone, me time, tujuannya untuk mencari ketenangan. Waktu itu juga kita muhasabah diri kita. Kalau takde muhasabah, that is just chill & me time

Thread 5 of 10
Step 3: Contemplate on life, past, present, & future

Waktu kita muhasabah diri, cuba fikir tentang our life. Apa kita dh buat? Apa kita nak? Value apa yg penting in life? Ask questions yg boleh membuatkan kita mendalami & memahami tentang diri kita and our life

Thread 6 of 10
Kenapa perlu think about life and muhasabah diri? Well, sekiranya kita tidak memahami tentang our own self, macam mana nak ada acceptance and self-validation? Sebab tu, kita perlu understand diri kita sendiri. Then baru boleh be a better person

Thread 7 of 10
Step 4: Be responsible

Waktu muhasabah diri, contemplating about things, memang kita realise banyak benda yg telah berlaku in the past. Well, be responsible, and don't push things to others. Own it up, good and bad.

Thread 8 of 10
Step 5: Improve, try to be better & make plans

At this stage, ask yourself how you can improve. Kita dah tahu lebih mendalam lepas muhasabah. Based on the past, we can now do things. Inilah waktunya untuk kita be better, and make further plans for the future

Thread 9 of 10
Lima steps ni je. So next time, repeat semula dari 1 to 5. It's a cycle, a loop. Can be done anytime. Of course, boleh je tambah lagi steps lain, tapi ni yg basic. Also, ni cara based on self-contemplation and self-introspection. Ada lagi cara lain. But next time

Thread 10 of 10
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