Some alternatives to self-harm...
1. Go for a walk
2. Allow yourself to cry and let it all out (music helps)
3. Distract yourself with videos
4. Re-organise your room
5. Write your negative thoughts on paper then tear them up
6. Talk to your friends about your emotions
7. Call a crisis line
8. Hug a pillow
9. Have a cold shower
10. Repeat a positive affirmation (e.g “I am enough” “I deserve love not pain”
11. Watch your favourite show
12. Journal your thoughts
13. Count tiles on the floor
14. Squeeze a stress ball
15. Blow up a balloon then pop it
16. Count to 100
17. Paint your nails, pamper yourself
18. Excersize
19. Pop bubble wrap
20. Put on a stopwatch and delay harming yourself for one minute...then another...keep doing this, congratulate yourself when you pass a minute
You do not deserve to feel pain! You are worthy of love & compassion❤️ Dm me if you ever need someone to talk to❤️ #MentalHealthMatters
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