"Happiness" is just an emotion

A temporary state of mind

Emotions are dynamic, always changing

To constantly chase happiness is a sign of a weak mind

Always after the next "high"

Never fulfilled, never satisfied

Always wanting more.

The majority of modern society's problems stem from this constant pursuit.

Indulging in food, cheap entertainment, alcohol, the list goes on...

Everything is too easy. Shows up at your doorstep with the click of a button.

Just go online for your "social interactions"

Disease is at all-time high's

Mental health issues are getting more common each day.

Brain chemicals are all messed up.

Our "solutions" are making things worst.

Treating symptoms

Covering the issues up

Sweeping them under the rug

Taking 10 pills daily to treat symptoms has become NORMAL

We need to replace this illusion of the pursuit of happiness

People need to have a PURPOSE

Something they strive for

A reason to live

Happiness will come and go when it needs to

More on this soon


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