Ok might as well talk about #endometriosis a bit more because what else am I gonna do.

Endometriosis is a hard disease in a lot of ways. It's hard to diagnose, hard to explain, hard to talk about, hard to get others to take seriously
And one thing that makes it hard to take seriously is that, like a lot of different diseases, endometriosis impacts people very differently.

You can have endometriosis and really never be bothered by it. You can have it and it can destroy your life
But of course because healthy people are unaware of the way nuance works they see someone with endometriosis who isn't really seriously affected by it--who can still do normal things, who never has to miss work or stay in bed all day or whatever
And they assume that people who are more seriously impacted the disease just aren't "tough enough." They're like "oh person A has endometriosis and they run marathons every weekend and build houses every day and can bench press the moon so you don't have any excuses!!!"
And of course this isn't the fault of the person who has the disease...we don't choose how these things impact us...but it makes it really hard to get people to take me seriously when I try and explain how much I am impacted by endometriosis when they have these other examples
Even among people with other chronic illnesses endometriosis is dismissed as not being serious enough to be included in discussions because there are people who have it and maybe aren't impacted at all.

And those of us who ARE impacted are left with like, no support
I always feel like....idk, like I'm just a weakling who isn't trying hard enough to force myself through being sick. Or that I'm faking it for attention even though I'm obviously not. I feel this constant need to explain and justify that yes, I am sick. I am.
Trying to get people to understand that a condition can be experienced differently by different people is doubly hard when we're talking about a condition that impacts people who have uteruses, because those conditions are ALREADY ignored :/ :/ :/
So it's just like this constant burden of being sick, convincing people I actually am sick, convincing them that just because the person they know w/the same condition who ISN'T sick doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else....it's exhausting and I hate it
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