So. Now I am recovering from profound terror from the DMs. (And having had actual phone calls with some lovely twitter people). I realise. That on mastodon. Not enough people care that metformin inhibits the electron transport chain. Or about the evolution of the Na/K+ pump.
People say that this place is a publishing platform. And you can do good things with that. And someone said they had a whatsapp group where what I posted got talked about. Imagine. Whatsapp talking about mitochondria. What a wonder of 2020.
And try not to let bad behaviour get to you. Behind it is either a kernel you should listen to. Or. If they are bad people. Don't please them by reacting. Think thoughtcrimes in your head. And if they are really bad people, you have the police.
That said, mastodon is very much calmer. And I am learning so much about computer programming. So I will use both. I have never been cross by breakfast, using that.
But as my friend @henryhammerbeck did point out,
We think too much, and feel too little
More than machinery, we need humanity
More that cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness
Without these qualities life will be violent, and all will be lost
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