Seeing some threads that suggest Hamilton was not against slavery. As far as everything I read, he was a committed abolitionist. Here are details from Chernow's autobiography to contextualize. Hamilton supported the genetic equality of Blacks and whites, unlike other founders
Hamilton did engage in one or two transactions at the behest of family members (he did marry into the Schuyler family) but he kept no enslaved people. He did have domestic servants.
Hamilton did everything possible to thwart slaveholders using the law, as you can see from these clips from Chernow's biography. And Hamilton was a member of the NY Manumission Society, which was devoted to the eventual abolition of slavery.
Hamilton told slaveholders he knew to emancipate their slaves and gave them a timetable. They scoffed. He was part of a group that advocated for ending slavery and calling out its cruelty. The man was perhaps the strongest abolitionist of his time who had political power.
I know facts are not the kinds of things that go as viral as heated opposition but it would be impossible to argue, from reading Hamilton's letters and legislation, that he felt anything but utter loathing for the institution of slavery.
You could argue that Hamilton married into a slaveholding family to get political power and there's probably truth to that, but what he did with that political power he gained was to work constantly towards abolition and call out every slaveholder he knew. That's on record.
I also saw something blaming Hamilton for states' rights? That is the opposite of what happened. Hamilton advocated for a united federal government and a financial system *specifically to deny power to Southern slaveholders*.
If you want to critique Hamilton the musical for not making more of a statement on slavery: Sure. But Hamilton the man was obsessed with the subject and was a strong abolitionist, according to his letters and papers. He was the only Founder to see Blacks and whites as equals.
And if you think seeing Black people and white people as equals was obvious, look around at our government officials right now, many if not most of whom still struggle with that very concept.
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