This biracial actress not understanding how 🥴 it looks that she wants a role that specifies a “black woman” whew. Of course you’re Black too but you should also understand how many opportunities you’re afforded for being lighter skinned??

Her comments being juxtaposed by Diana’s experiences, just highlight how mad it is that she (as a biracial woman) is basically out here demanding roles that are very rare for dark skinned women to even come by.
Having a whole documentary that focuses on skin bleaching without touching on colonisation and white beauty ideals, is a bit hollow for me *but* I appreciate the effort that went into making this.
To keep referring to the term “whitening” and “lightening” but not interrogate who that emulates, kinda misses the mark.
The shock that family don’t live in huts in the village is also rather odd.

I guess there’s a way that we as the diaspora talk about Nigeria, that we need to get checked about.
I think the narrative loses focus in the village.

There was way more conversation to be had. While I understand the generational link being made, it could’ve been shorter. Phyno was also unnecessary in my opinion.
Overall really nicely filmed. I think the premise needed to be pushed further beyond “beauty is only skin deep” and “if these these three dark skinned actresses can be successful so can you.” Bobrisky and the film maker guy made the strongest points.
Patriarchy could’ve definitely been explored because pretty much everyone spoke about how this is focused on what men desire.
Really like the dedication that went into making this. It’s a great place to start. 💛
I would like a whole documentary on Bobrisky. I’m fascinated by how they can clearly state where Idris ends and Bobrisky begins.
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