Bila kita express our feeling, korang buat our feeling mcm tak valid. That's not what we want or need

Kita sedih, dia ckp “Be happy! Jangan sedih!”
Bila risau, dia kata “Think positive!”

As if ada switch on/off kat otak ni!!

Baca thread ni! Fahami what we need!

Thread 1 of 11
People want their feelings to be validated, bukannya nak direject and buat mcm emotion ni benda ringan. Mungkin ringan, mungkin berat

All emotions are valid and should be acknowledged!

Kalau ada switch on/off, dah lama we do that. But benda tu memang takde

Thread 2 of 11
Sometimes yg kita perlukan bukannya orang tu tolong selesaikan masalah kita. Tapi sebenarnya we need empathy

Even if korang tak faham perasaan, emosi, masalah kita, it's okay.

Be there for us, dah cukup

Thread 3 of 11
Don't say "look at the bright side" waktu emosi masih intense

Tunggu waktu kita dah calm down sikit, bukannya waktu emosi tengah intense meluap2. Emotional mcm tu, korang expect senang nak see things rationally?

Phrase your words properly. If not, just be there

Thread 4 of 11
Don't try to fix us or say we shouldn't be feeling that way, at that time

Kalau korang nak say something, just ask what happen, or ask for more details. Sometimes, just repeating what we tell you helps us to know that you care and paying attention

But don't push

Thread 5 of 11
Kadang² just nak meluahkan emosi tu

Don’t push to know more if korang rasa kita mcm susah nak explain properly

This is even more true if we have underlying issues that we ourselves find it hard to explain. Sometimes, kita sendiri tak tahu apa masalah sebenarnya

Thread 6 of 11
Mungkin throughout the period, apa kita buat or kata, mcm tak rational and tak sepatutnya mcm tu. But please, you all be patient and be supportive toward us

Don't judge us.

Just accept us, acknowledge our emotions and feelings, and be there when we need you

Thread 7 of 11
Apa² pun, janganlah ungkapkan "tu lah, kau kurang iman"

Korang yg ckp mcm tu lah yg sebenarnya mungkin tak faham Islam. Janganlah guna ayat tu. Boleh jauh hati kita yg mendengar.

Kes paling teruk, korang lah penyebab kita semakin jauh dari agama

Thread 8 of 11
Memang religiosity & iman are factors of it. Banyak kajian tentang keagamaan affecting well-being and mental health.

But it's not the only factor. We need to see faktor² lain seperti genetic, environment & even past history

Tengok secara menyeluruh, holistically

Thread 9 of 11
Maybe ada yg tak setuju saya cakap kena tengok faktor lain juga. Siapalah saya nak cakap bab Islam

Sila google ulama² mufti² ustaz² yg lebih berkelayakan nak ckp on Islam. Mereka ckp ttg iman but masih tak akan dismiss faktor lain

Mereka suruh jumpa pakar juga

Thread 10 of 11
If our condition is bad, dangerous & you think we need help, don't just terus say "Pergilah jumpa therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist. Kau tu ada masalah"

This is hard. Mmg takde ayat specific that works 100% for everyone. So be mindful, gentle with your words

Thread 11 of 11
Panjang thread ni kan?

Terima kasih sebab baca until the end! 😊 Saya selalu tweet mcm ni, buat satu thread, dapat tulis more details, more info. Thread sebelum ni tentang prayer/sembahyang/solat. Boleh click the link to read it
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