MINI THREAD: This is the story of how I, in 2005, got dumped while dressed as Daisy Duke.
On my second day of university, September 2003, Howard and I admitted we "liked" each other and had a right kiss of it. We'd known each other since we were kids and were now at the same uni. BOOM! Going out with each other.
Cut to: 2 years later. Howard's flatmate Dennis (?) (was it Dennis?) took Howard on a night out to a Pimps and Hoes club night coz #patriarchy. The girls were dressed "like hoes" and Howard wanted to have it off with them but couldn't coz of me. I know this coz: he told me.
We had what I will describe as "a row" about this and Howard laughed at me for being a prude and said he couldn't help it if he wanted to have sex with other women. He tried to break up with me there and then and I was like "PLEASE DON'T" coz I am amazing.
In desperation I found out that in 4 days there was another club night, a Dukes of Hazard one! So I said to Howard "come to mine on that night and we'll go to that and I'll be so fun and sexy omg". He reluctantly said OK. You see where this is going.
Cut to: the night. I was FULLY dressed as Daisy Duke, I was so ready to WOW Howard and stop him wanting to have it off with other girls.

He arrived and broke up with me properly. At one point I showed him the tickets to the club night THEY WERE IN MY HAND I am amazing.
So I was devastated and my flatmates comforted me WHILE I WAS DRESSED AS DAISY DUKE. Hair in plaits, hot pants, the lot.
2 weeks later Howard showed up again, all sad and shuffly-feet. Turns out he'd gone to da club all single and that a couple of times and just thought about me. So I got back with him IMMEDIATELY and we went out for: 7 more years. Happy Birthday, Howard (it is his birthday today).
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