I can't count the times I've heard stories where Black friends who are actresses are told to appear "camera ready" or "we'll just do touch ups on you" while the white actresses get full hair and makeup. Also, Black hair & MUAs are expected to be able to do ALL hair/skin tones...
...while many (or most) non-Black hair & MUAs are seemingly not expected to be able to do all hair/skin tones. And I know plenty of incredible hair & MUAs who can make anybody look beautiful but based on friends' experiences that they share, this is not always the case.
Years ago I asked a Black actress friend why she was getting up so early before a calltime. She said it was because she had to do her hair & face. She'd learned never to head to the hair & makeup trailer expecting they'd have her tone of foundation, or correct hair products.
I know many Black actresses have spoken up about this, so none of what I have stated here is new or unusual, but I also know some people just don't know about that aspect of Hollywood. It seems to me to be just one of many ways in which Black actresses are given additional labor.
I know many hair & MUAs of different backgrounds who are multitalented & have giant product suitcases filled with everything you could ever want. But my understanding is that this is not always the way. Otherwise I don't think I'd keep hearing Black actresses tell these stories.
I also know that nobody wants an untrained person fucking with their hair, but like...are all these webseries and commercials and guest star gigs giving Black actresses extra money to go to a Black salon ahead of time? Methinks not.
Anyway, I was just talking to a director & producer about this the other day, and this person is younger than me (IMAGINE! I'm but a girl of nearly 40!) and her experience seems to sound pretty identical to what I heard girls saying when I first got into performing 16 years ago.
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