If you are considering tagging the "famous" ID epi folks to answer a question, consider tagging little old me instead as a pre-query.

At the very least, I'll be able to direct your question to someone with the right expertise, who isn't as swamped with requests.
It's a win all around.

You are more likely to get a better answer faster from someone who has the time to get into it; we reduce the burden on those who are taking all the heat; and some lesser known (but totally amazing) folks get to strut their stuff.
Just to note this is a vehicle for getting good answers from people actually know what they're talking about. Use it!

If I tag someone in, please be respectful of their time and expertise. We're all swamped here, including the people who aren't in the news all the time.
Also, general plug for a much, much more organized version of this, run by some of my favorite people in the world over at COVID-101. It's great. https://covid-101.org/ 
You can follow @NoahHaber.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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