10 Concepts for coaching and developing Change of Direction:

1️⃣ Watch athletes complete lots of different tasks before you intervene, look for movements trends and habits, not for isolated ‘errors’
2️⃣ Challenge athletes in all types of COD task relevant to their sport:
📌Cuts and curves
📌Multi-directional initiations
📌High speed cuts and turns
📌Lateral transitional movements
3️⃣ Try and identify where their physical and technical weakness is: Deceleration, reacceleration, plant position (linking between decel and re-accel)

This ideally needs some objective data
4️⃣ If you find something you don’t like in their technical execution, think hard about why it might be happening

❓When does it happen?
❓When doesn’t it?
❓Does it link to your other info?
5️⃣ Once you decide to ‘coach’ something, remember, the task is already complicated, don’t fill people’s heads more that they do themselves

Minimise instruction and let the task do the coaching where possible
6️⃣ Remember most technical models look like linear sprinting plus something else. E.g:

📌Cuts and curves = linear speed with a slight increase in frontal plane force and torso orientation

📌High speed, large cuts = the above plus a deceleration component
7️⃣ Use your pre-planned drills to challenge something specific about their execution. Not to always just ask them to complete a route as fast as possible (although there is a place for this)

Think about stride characteristics, symmetry, trunk control etc
8️⃣ Improve players ability to control their BOS in order to control their trunk. Being able to control your BOS but not your trunk is a danger zone

The feet must be effective at moving their shoulders, not just their hips
9️⃣ For injury prevention, ensure they effectively control their trunk, lower their COM, control their entry speed and know when they need to dissipate force eccentrically
🔟 Expose them to different angles and approach distances to help them understand their capabilities and how their speed affects their manoeuvrability
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