I love this heatmap❤️ It represents over 100,000 individual datapoints.

These are Florida COVID-19 cases, over time, by age bracket.

I published open-source code to make it: https://github.com/mbevand/florida-covid19-line-list-data

The recent case surge is driven by 20-24-year-old Floridians.

The data comes from @HealthyFla who provides an amazing dataset: age information for all 100k COVID-19 cases in https://open-fdoh.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/florida-covid19-case-line-data

Here is the heatmap in numeric form, except aggregated over 10-year age brackets and 7-day time periods:

The heatmap pixel intensity is a bit more granular and represents the number of COVID-19 cases reported per 5-year age bracket per 4-day time period.

Notice how the peak in early April consisted of cases spread rather uniformly over a large swath of adults.

But since early June, young Floridians around the age of 20-24 appear to be the primary drivers transmitting COVID-19 to the rest of the population.

They're more likely to socially hang out w/people their age, so pixel intensities decrease progressively toward older ages.

Also, notice how today the number of cases (intensity of pixel) is higher across ALL AGE BRACKETS compared to the peak of early April.

(Well, except ages 90+ but the record for this age brackets will be beaten in the next few days if current trends continue)

So you may see Florida news reports minimizing the danger because the disease is less severe in young adults.

But looking at the data, we *should* be worried: if all age brackets see more cases, daily deaths are expected to surge to new records.

In fact, based on this data, I expect Florida deaths to surge to new records in the coming 2-4 weeks, because the mean time from infection-to-death is 23 days (see page 4 of https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41586-020-2405-7/MediaObjects/41586_2020_2405_MOESM1_ESM.pdf)

Other interesting artifacts—I looked at Florida #covid19 cases with 1-year granularity, and:

- peak cases are exactly at age 21 (legal drinking age in FL)

- among the population there are relatively few reported cases of children under 18. The cutoff is really sharp at 18.

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