Conservatives: what are you going to offer people that satisfies the hunger which they are currently satisfying with fanatical racialism and pseudo-religious tribalism? People are responding to a felt need and it’s not for limp secularism or mealy-mouthed “civility.”
The void in the soul of the West, into which people are now desperately pouring every kind of ecstatic fury in the hopes of feeling whole, is not one that can be filled with vague ideas of kumbaya or quietism. People want a God who is more than nice.
The stakes of the moral universe are so intolerably high, and the claims of the moral law so inescapably apparent, that people would rather choose a satanic ideology than one which offers to anesthetize them with false happy-talk. Satan knows this.
The time is long past when anyone—right or left—can succeed on the strength of platitudes alone. The bad guys figured this out some time ago. Now the good guys must catch wise. Offer conservatism with a spine and God in all his majesty, or offer nothing at all.
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