#Covid19Ontario Dashboard updated June 18 1030am.
Dashboard continues green ✅
- 📉3 DEATHS 🌟 (lowest since March)
- 📉 173 new cases 🌟
- 📉Hospitalized ⬇️ 351 (84 ICU)
- 📈25,278 tests
#Onhealth #Covid19 #WearMasks
Case Mix continues to improve day by day in Ontario. Now down to 2,360 active cases.
Here's the breakdown of active cases in Ontario. Toronto, Peel, and Windsor account for 1,678 cases, 71% of Ontario's total.
It didn't help Toronto that the last month has seen a hospital mixup lose hundreds of tests, the Trinity Bellwood fiasco, and thousands protesting.
One might wonder why York gets to re-open tomorrow given the 157 active cases (left). But adjusted for population, York fades into the background. (Active cases per 100K are more likely to reflect the relative transmission rate in the region than raw counts.)
Roughly one-third of Toronto's active cases are outbreak-related. None of Windsor's are tied to outbreaks. |
Regional breakdowns in this thread are from: https://public.tableau.com/profile/bill.comeau#!/vizhome/OntarioCovid-19CaseMap/Dashboard1
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