Simple business lessons from a 14-hour road trip:

1) We spend too much time thinking about the last few turns and not enough deciding which interstate to use. Sweat the big stuff.

2) Small changes in speed make a big difference over long periods of time. Can you go 5% faster?
3) The further down the road you focus, the less you notice the bugs on the windshield. If your time horizon is long enough, inconveniences fade away.

4) If you follow your competition, you will end up in the exact same place they do.
5) Take good care of the people in your car. You're on a long journey and you will need their support.

6) Take good care of the people traveling the same road. You have no idea how long you'll be traveling together and how you might be able to help each other.
7) Rest when you need to. If you get overtired, you put yourself and your passengers in danger.

8) Take time to enjoy the scenery. If you're only focused on the pavement, it all looks the same. What surrounds it can be beautiful. [end]
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