What is is happening in the USA right now?
a list of factors 

-Social cohesion in the USA has been declining for the past decade

-Marxism infected the University system many decades ago, people have gone to college and been indoctrinated to hate their country...
and that it deserves to be destroyed

-Millions of young people went into immense debt and were exploited by the racket of collegiate education and federally subsidized loans and have antipathy and rage towards the system
-Predatory capitalism has hollowed out the middle class and exploited people for profit and eliminated American businesses

-The media has become a largely left wing apparatus that incites social and racial conflict and division at every possible opportunity
-Black Americans have occupied the bottom the of class system for a long time and upward mobility has been limited, racism is real and its been co-opted by the Progressive Virus, and any progress that was made has gone backwards...
and been undermined by divisionary agents that push towards a race war

-The police have become heavily militarized and tyrannical in many areas, mafia with badges in many cases
-Governance and leadership have hit all times in quality, state governors went drunk on power, politicians are entrenched for decades and do nothing but fatten their own personal wealth.
-Public trust in institutions have sunk to all times lows in this century, people no longer trust anyone outside of individuals to provide accurate information
-Hyperreality has become the norm: EVERYTHING is political, everything is ideology, everything must be categorized into a “side” & everything is in opposition to something else. No life can be lived free of politics because some kind of signal must be construed out of everything
-Lockdowns left 40+ million people without jobs, reduced to the economy to nothing, and the only people that benefited were the protected elites who have no skin the game. All outlets and pastimes were removed, people were trapped and forced to deal with endless uncertainty
You add all that up, you have a perfect storm for blood in the streets and a society that will cannibalize itself.

The path towards change will be painful, violent, and chaotic.

You cannot save the world, you can only save yourself
If you are not mentally/physically resilient and adaptable, you are going to suffer through this.

Strength is mandatory, courage is a necessity, adaptive skill is critical, and you must protect and provide for yourself 
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