Folks, I have had just flat out enough.

I’m tired of POC clients who got stopped for something an officer let a dozen white folks skate past on.

I’m tired of POC clients terrified of simple court appearances.

I’m tired of knowing they’re justified in being scared.
I’m tired of knowing how amazingly lucky I am to be white because I didn’t have to work twice as hard to get to the same place.

I’m tired of realizing, as a parent, that I don’t have to worry about my kids when they go out and play with friends just because of their skin color.
And, honestly, I’m tired of knowing this thing I dedicated my life to - the justice system- is used as a tool to frighten, oppress, and murder innocent people that it should operate to protect.
This who country can be better. It has to be better.

The law belongs to the people.
You can follow @BoozyBadger.
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